Setting: The story begins in the country of Kosala. The author goes into great imagery about the country.
King Dasaratha
- great ruler of Kosala
- he is very respected by his people
- Has a lot of compassion for his son
- wise man who was once a king.
- He is coming to ask a favor of Dasaratha involving his son Rama to go and kill creatures in Sidhasrama which is far away from their residence. Dasaratha finally agrees only if his other son Lakshmana can come
- He seems bitter about his past
- son of Dasaratha
- Kills Thataka and her two sons because of the wishes of Viswamithra
- Kills her sons when they are seeking revenge for her death
- Falls in love with Sita after he first sees her
- wins the competition put on by King Janaku
- Dasaratha’s priest and guide
- The king seems pretty quick to listen to whatever advice he has to give
- Son of Dasaratha
- Brother of Rama
- used to be a yaksha or demigod but was changed along with her whole family to demihood
- used to be very beautiful and full of life but is now bitter and hateful of the whole world
- Killed by Rama with the three pronged spear
- Viswamithra tells a story about him to Rama
- once a great conqueror
- Princess and daughter of King Janaka
- Falls in love with Rama after the first time she sees him on the balcony
King Janaka
- Creates a test in order to find a suitor for his daughter
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